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Custom 8 Hour OSHA Asbestos Intact Roofing Removal Course , 1 Session, March 17, 2022, 8 am – 4:30 pm Copy
March 17th, 2022 @ 8:00 am - 4:30 pm

Cost: $1000 per session, up to 10 participants
OSHA 29 CFR 1926.1101—Roofing and Memorandum of Understanding between OSHA and National Roofing Association 3/15/95: This course is intended to train experienced roofers who may be removing intact (non-friable) asbestos containing roofing. The training is in compliance with OSHA CFR 29 1926-1101 (K)(9). An annual refresher course is required by OSHA. Information is presented on how possible asbestos roofing must be identified and how possible friable asbestos roofing can be identified. This course may not be used for EPA Accreditation or for CT DPH (Connecticut Dept. of Public Health) initial or refresher certification. A separate DPH Approved course must be taken and the individual may then apply for certification. Only asbestos certified workers and supervisors can remove non-intact (friable) roofing. In addition, an accredited asbestos supervisor (OSHA competent persons) must be on site for evaluation and removal of intact roofing. This supervisor must take a separate 5-day DPH approved course and then apply for DPH certification. This supervisor must take a DPH approved 8 hour annual refresher to maintain certification. DPH certification must be renewed annually. For any work involving friable (non-intact) asbestos containing roofing, the individual must take a separate DPH Approved course and then apply for certification. OSHA requires training on handling friable (non- intact ACM (asbestos containing materials) and the required material is included in this course. Because of the CT DPH regulations, however, persons not certified by DPH may not handle friable asbestos and therefore this aspect of the training exceeds the level of work the student will be doing. Following is the OSHA course curriculum covered in this course. (A) Methods of recognizing asbestos, including the requirement in CFR 29 1926.1101 paragraph (k)(1) to presume that certain building materials contain asbestos; (B) The health effects associated with asbestos exposure; (C) The relationship between smoking and asbestos in producing lung cancer; (D) The nature of operations that could result in exposure to asbestos, the importance of necessary protective controls to minimize exposure including, as applicable, engineering controls, work practices, respirators, housekeeping procedures, hygiene facilities, protective clothing, decontamination procedures, emergency procedures, and waste disposal procedures, and any necessary instruction in the use of these controls and procedures (E) The purpose, proper use, fitting instructions, and limitations of respirators as required by 29 CFR 1910.134; (F) The appropriate work practices for performing the asbestos job; (G) Medical surveillance program requirements; (H) The content of CFR 29 1926.1101 including appendices; (I) The names, addresses and phone numbers of public health organizations which provide information, materials and/ or conduct programs concerning smoking cessation. The employer may distribute the list of such organizations contained in CFR 29 1926.1101 Appendix J, to comply with this requirement; and (J) The requirements for posting signs and affixing labels and the meaning of the required legends for such signs and labels.
Respirator Fit Testing
Respirator fit testing must be conducted in person by a competent person. Prerequisite for those who wish to be fit tested is a medical approval form indicating the individual can wear a respirator and a NIOSH approved respirator. Individuals must be clean shaven in the area of the respirator seal to the face with a respirator provided by the employer. Fit testing is not included in this ticket price. Please contact leigh@chem-scope.com for more information about respirator fit testing.
By purchasing a ticket and attending class during the COVID-19 declared state of emergency in CT, students agree to follow local and federal regulations, CDC guidelines, and Chem Scope, Inc. safety protocol.
Water bottles will be the only available refreshments.
Persons with symptoms of COVID-19 may not enter the Chem Scope, Inc. training center.
If you have questions about COVID-19 safety and training, please contact Leigh Elijah, training instructor and program administrator, at leigh@chem-scope.com