8Hour (IN-PERSON) Asbestos Supervisor Refresher
Chem Scope Inc. 8 Moulthrop Street, North Haven40-Hour In-Person Asbestos Supervisor Initial October 23/24/25/29/30, 2024
Chem Scope Inc. 8 Moulthrop Street, North Haven40-Hour In-Person Asbestos Supervisor Initial October 23/24/25/29/30, 2024
Chem Scope Inc. 8 Moulthrop Street, North Haven40-Hour In-Person Asbestos Supervisor Initial October 23/24/25/29/30, 2024
Chem Scope Inc. 8 Moulthrop Street, North Haven40-Hour In-Person Asbestos Supervisor Initial October 23/24/25/29/30, 2024
Chem Scope Inc. 8 Moulthrop Street, North HavenSPANISH LANGUAGE 8-Hour OSHA Asbestos Intact Roofing Removal Course, 1 Session, 10/26/2024 – Clase OSHA para remoción de techos de asbestos intactos, 8 horas en español
Chem Scope Inc. 8 Moulthrop Street, North Haven40-Hour In-Person Asbestos Supervisor Initial October 23/24/25/29/30, 2024
Chem Scope Inc. 8 Moulthrop Street, North HavenWeek of Trainings
40-Hour In-Person Asbestos Supervisor Initial October 23/24/25/29/30, 2024
40-Hour In-Person Asbestos Supervisor Initial October 23/24/25/29/30, 2024
This is a five day training course that includes lectures, demonstrations, at least fourteen (14) hours of hands-on training, individual respirator fit testing, course review, and a written examination.
8Hour (IN-PERSON) Asbestos Supervisor Refresher
8Hour (IN-PERSON) Asbestos Supervisor Refresher
Applies to all interior work and friable exterior work. Required for maintaining EPA Accreditation and State DPH license for anyone supervising disturbance of > 3 sq. ft. or lin. ft. of asbestos. One day past refresher due date- can’t work in the discipline. Failure to take refresher for 2 years have to take initial again.
4Hour Virtual Asbestos Inspector Refresher 8am-12pm
4Hour Virtual Asbestos Inspector Refresher 8am-12pm
Cost: $150 DPH APPROVED VIRTUAL ASBESTOS REFRESHER COURSE: If a student goes passed the last refresher due date by one day, the student cannot work in the discipline. Failure to…
SPANISH LANGUAGE 8-Hour OSHA Asbestos Intact Roofing Removal Course, 1 Session, 10/26/2024 – Clase OSHA para remoción de techos de asbestos intactos, 8 horas en español
SPANISH LANGUAGE 8-Hour OSHA Asbestos Intact Roofing Removal Course, 1 Session, 10/26/2024 – Clase OSHA para remoción de techos de asbestos intactos, 8 horas en español
Time: Saturday, October 26, 2024, 8-hours, starting at 8 am Location: 8 Moulthrop Street, North Haven, CT Cost: $1200 for up to 15 students, additional $50 for 16th student, additional $100 for 17th student Language: This course is held in Spanish. Students must be fluent in Spanish. OSHA 29 CFR 1926.1101—Roofing and Memorandum of Understanding…