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16 Hour OSHA Class 3 Operations and Maintenance Initial Course
May 19th, 2022 @ 8:00 am - May 20th, 2022 @ 4:00 pm
4 people are attending 16 Hour OSHA Class 3 Operations and Maintenance Initial Course
Cost: $500 per student
8 Moulthrop Street, North Haven, CT
Course Description:
OSHA 29 CFR 1926.1101 and EPA 40 CFR 763.92: Course Description and Syllabus: This class is offered to meet OSHA and/or EPA training requirements for workers disturbing small quantities of asbestos. This is a basic course in asbestos safety, regulations and procedures for the individual who has no prior asbestos training. It is helpful if individuals are experienced in maintenance or construction work. This course meets the EPA requirements in 40 CFR Part 763 subpart E for school O&M workers who can do small scale projects involving no more than 3 square or linear feet of Asbestos Containing Material (ACM). This course meets the current OSHA requirements in CFR 29 1926.1101 for workers doing Class III work, asbestos repair. DPH regulations for spot repairs are included in the course. This training not sufficient for larger scale removal work or collecting samples. Neither the U.S. nor the State of Connecticut have an approval available for this 16 hour course. However, OSHA and EPA recommend that training providers be used who are approved for other asbestos courses be used to conduct this training. Each persons must complete all 16 hours of the training in order to obtain documentation from the provider that the course was completed. There is a course examination.
Course topics: Course topics covered are required by OSHA 29 CFR 1926.1101 and EPA 40 CFR 763.92(a)(2) and include the following topics (not limited to): Regulations, information regarding asbestos and its uses and forms, information regarding asbestos management plan (if applicable), methods of recognizing asbestos and damage to asbestos, health effects, smoking and asbestos; the nature of operations that could result in exposure to asbestos, the importance of necessary protective controls to minimize exposure including, engineering controls, work practices, respirators, housekeeping procedures, hygiene facilities, protective clothing, decontamination procedures, emergency procedures, waste disposal procedures, the contents of EPA 20T-2003, “Managing Asbestos In-Place” July 1990, the purpose, proper use, fitting instructions, and limitations of respirators as required by 29 CFR 1910.134; the appropriate work practices for performing the asbestos job, medical surveillance program requirements, names, addresses and phone numbers of public health organizations which provide information, materials for programs concerning smoking cessation, requirements for posting signs and affixing labels. For the additional “Hands-on” training the following is included (not limited to): Descriptions of the proper methods of handling ACBM, Information on the use of respiratory protection and other personal protection measures, and the use of respiratory protection, other personal protection measures, and good work practices.
Respirator fit testing cannot be conducted unless the student has proof of prior medical approval and training. Respirators will not be provided.
Annual refreshers of at least four (4) hours are required by OSHA.
Requirements for Certificate Award: A course certificate will be awarded to those who successfully complete the course. Attendance of the entire class, demonstrating successful completion of hands-on activities, payment and passing an exam are required.
Chem Scope, Inc. updates its COVID-19 safety protocol regularly to comply with the current state and federal guidance. By attending class during the COVID-19 pandemic, students agree to follow current local and federal regulations and Chem Scope, Inc. safety protocols. Training center occupants will not be required to show proof of vaccination at this time. Where the CDC describes COVID-19 community levels as high, training center occupants shall wear a non-cloth face covering over the mouth and nose while in a room indoors with other occupants. Where CDC describes COVID-19 levels as low or medium, face coverings are optional unless local rules or organizational policies require them. Masks will be provided to those who would like them.
When community levels are high, acceptable face coverings include surgical masks, N95 respirators, and KN95 respirators. We will provide acceptable masks on site for those who forget a face covering, but those who use their own respirator or a face-covering/respirator provided by Chem Scope, Inc. do so voluntarily and at their own risk. For more information about voluntary use of respirators, visit https://www.osha.gov/laws-regs/standardinterpretations/2018-04-26 and https://www.osha.gov/laws-regs/regulations/standardnumber/1910/1910.134AppD.
Refreshments may not be available.
At-risk individuals as described by current CDC, DPH, or other relevant regulatory guidelines should not attend in-person training, but instead continue to stay home and stay safe. Students or instructors with COVID-19 symptoms should stay home, and this will incur no penalty. Persons with symptoms of COVID-19 or a current positive test may not enter the Chem Scope, Inc. training center.
A wholehearted thank you to all of our students for their incredible patience and adaptability!
Cancellation policy
Class sizes are restricted. In order to provide training to people on waiting lists, we require at least 1 business day (24 hour) notification that a student will not attend a class. Except in the case of emergencies or illness, including COVID-19 symptoms, quarantine, or diagnosis, we reserve the right to…
- In the case of same-day cancellation for refresher training classes, refuse refund and retain 100% of the price of each ticket purchased but not used by the registered party. In this case, students will have to purchase a new ticket to attend a refresher on a different date and cannot transfer their ticket fee.
- In the case of same-day cancellation for initial training classes, retain a non-refundable fee equal to 50% of the price of each ticket purchased but not used by the registered party.