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8 Hour Virtual Asbestos Worker Refresher
January 21st, 2021 @ 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
3 people are attending 8 Hour Virtual Asbestos Worker Refresher
Cost: $125
Applies to all interior work and friable exterior work. Required for maintaining EPA Accreditation and State DPH license for anyone supervising disturbance of > 3 sq ft or lin ft of asbestos.. One day past refresher due date- can’t work in the discipline. Failure to take refresher for 2 years have to take initial again.
General Description:
Asbestos Project Designer, Project Monitor, Contractor/Supervisor, Worker, Inspector and Management Planner courses offered at Chem Scope are CT DPH Approved and meet MAP requirements of AHERA, ASHARA, NESHAP, CONES and OSHA. Students who successfully complete the initial course become EPA Accredited in the particular discipline and are eligible for licensing in CT and the CONES states.
Refresher courses are required annually in each discipline for which the student is Accredited.
Refresher training is one day duration for asbestos abatement site supervisors, asbestos abatement workers, management planners, project designers and project monitors while refresher training for inspectors is 1/2 a day. The refresher training course for management planners includes a separate 1/2 day of inspector refresher training and half 1/2 a day of refresher training for management planners. The inspectors and management planners must take the courses separately. All Refresher courses are separate and distinct courses and not combined with any other training during the period of the refresher course.
Refresher training includes a review and discussion of changes in and interpretation of applicable state and federal laws, regulations, policies and guidelines, developments or changes in state-of-the art procedures and equipment and a review of key areas of initial training specific to each discipline. In order to renew certification, currently accredited asbestos abatement workers, project designers and project monitors who have received certification in their disciplines by successfully completing the training program for asbestos abatement site supervisors must take the refresher training course specifically designed for their disciplines.
Verification of accreditation information:
Training providers of refresher courses must confirm that their students possess valid accreditation before granting course admission.
Virtual Training Requirements
Requirements for attending virtual training include (1) a government-issued photo ID, (2) a PC or Mac computer, (3) a stable internet connection, (4) a functioning webcam, (5) a functioning keyboard, and (6) a functioning mouse. Tablets will not be supported. A functional headset with microphone will be recommended. Each student must be able to download and use the most recent version of Zoom. Students must be able to type to participate in worksheet-based online hands-on activities, or they must be able to print the worksheet, answer by writing, and send a picture to the instructor.
Screenshots will be taken throughout the class to document that each student is present for the entire course. Students must arrive on time to class (typically, 8:00 am EST). Students are also encouraged to be present in the class 30 to 15 minutes early to allow for troubleshooting.
Many of our students will be new to virtual training. If you have questions or concerns about whether virtual training is right for you, please contact our training instructor Leigh Elijah (leigh@chem-scope.com). For more information, see our most recent training post: https://chem-scope.com/virtual-training-and-reopening/