- This training has passed.
8 Hour EPA-RRP Lead Initial Training – In Person
April 28th, 2022 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8 people are attending 8 Hour EPA-RRP Lead Initial Training – In Person
- Cost: $225 per student.
- EPA’s Renovation, Repair and Painting Rule (RRP – 40 CFR 745) applies to pre-1978 housing and/or child occupied facilities (child occupied facilities largely refers to nursery schools, kindergartens and day cares).
- RRP renovations, conducted for compensation, must be performed by Certified Firms using Certified Renovators and lead-safe work practices. Firms may begin applying for certification prior to taking the training. Accredited training is required for one to become a Certified Renovator.
- RRP certification also meets HUD’s training requirements.
- A refresher course is needed every 5 years to maintain certification.
- Requirements for Certificate Award: A course certificate will be awarded to those who successfully complete the course. Attendance of the entire class, demonstrating successful completion of hands-on activities, payment and passing an exam are required.
*This accreditation for Chem Scope, Inc pertains only to training individuals in states such as CT who do not have EPA Authorized RRP programs, to obtain certification to conduct renovation, repair and painting pursuant to Section 402 of the Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA)(15 U.S.C. 2682). These courses do not certify one to do abatement and additional training is needed for OSHA compliance.
Chem Scope, Inc. updates its COVID-19 safety protocol regularly to comply with the current state and federal guidance. By attending class during the COVID-19 pandemic, students agree to follow current local and federal regulations and Chem Scope, Inc. safety protocols. Training center occupants will not be required to show proof of vaccination at this time. Where the CDC describes COVID-19 community levels as high, training center occupants shall wear a non-cloth face covering over the mouth and nose while in a room indoors with other occupants. Where CDC describes COVID-19 levels as low or medium, face coverings are optional unless local rules or organizational policies require them. Masks will be provided to those who would like them.
When community levels are high, acceptable face coverings include surgical masks, N95 respirators, and KN95 respirators. We will provide acceptable masks on site for those who forget a face covering, but those who use their own respirator or a face-covering/respirator provided by Chem Scope, Inc. do so voluntarily and at their own risk. For more information about voluntary use of respirators, visit https://www.osha.gov/laws-regs/standardinterpretations/2018-04-26 and https://www.osha.gov/laws-regs/regulations/standardnumber/1910/1910.134AppD.
Refreshments may not be available.
At-risk individuals as described by current CDC, DPH, or other relevant regulatory guidelines should not attend in-person training, but instead continue to stay home and stay safe. Students or instructors with COVID-19 symptoms should stay home, and this will incur no penalty. Persons with symptoms of COVID-19 or a current positive test may not enter the Chem Scope, Inc. training center.
A wholehearted thank you to all of our students for their incredible patience and adaptability!
Cancellation policy
Class sizes are restricted. In order to provide training to people on waiting lists, we require at least 1 business day (24 hour) notification that a student will not attend a class. Except in the case of emergencies or illness, including COVID-19 symptoms, quarantine, or diagnosis, we reserve the right to…
- In the case of same-day cancellation for refresher training classes, refuse refund and retain 100% of the price of each ticket purchased but not used by the registered party. In this case, students will have to purchase a new ticket to attend a refresher on a different date and cannot transfer their ticket fee.
- In the case of same-day cancellation for initial training classes, retain a non-refundable fee equal to 50% of the price of each ticket purchased but not used by the registered party.