Due to COVID-19, DPH Certification, License and Permit Renewal Suspended
Renewal of certification, licenses and permits is suspended for DPH licensees in a number of disciplines, including all asbestos and lead disciplines. Any certification or license not renewed by the DPH will not expire throughout the duration of the COVID-19 emergency. The details of this suspension are outlined in the DPH circular letter 2020-16, dated April 1, 2020.
Once renewal requirements resume, licensees must renew within a six-month period to follow unless the DPH extends this period. After that, expiration schedules and renewal fees should return to normal.
Refreshers (mainly virtual) and initial classes (socially distanced with limited enrollment) are available during fall of 2020. In-person classes are suspended during December 2020 and January 2021. If two years have passed since a student’s most recent lead or asbestos consultant or contractor refresher, the student must take an initial class. If five-year RRP certificates expire, an initial class must be taken instead of a refresher. The EPA’s temporary enforcement policy, which allowed for training to be postponed, expired as of 8/31/2020 (https://www.epa.gov/enforcement/covid-19-implications-epas-enforcement-and-compliance-assurance-program-addendum).
You can download and read the circular letter 2020-16 here.
Our laboratory and field inspection services are still available. If you have questions, concerns, or input, our general line is (203) 865-5605. For training questions, email leigh@chem-scope.com. For other services, email chem-scope@snet.net.